Artificial intelligence: ChatGPT and human gullibility


  • Neil Dodgson Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington



artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, critical thinking, morality, consciousness


Artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced rapidly in the past decade. The arrival of ChatGPT last year has pushed the debate about AI into the public sphere. ChatGPT, and similar tools, do things we once thought were outside the ability of computers. This raises questions for how we educate people about the capability and the limitations of such tools. This article provides an overview of artificial intelligence and explores what ChatGPT is capable of doing. It also raises questions about morality, responsibility, sentience, intelligence, and how humans’ propensity to anthropomorphise makes us gullible and thus ready to believe that this technology is delivering something that it cannot.


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Author Biography

Neil Dodgson, Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington

Neil Dodgson is Professor of Computer Graphics in the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington. His research is in 3D TV, mathematical modelling for 3D shape design, the aesthetics of imaging, the social psychology of colour and the use of AI in image processing.


