About the Journal
About the Journal: Policy Quarterly (PQ) is targeted at readers in the public sector, including politicians and their staff, public servants and a wide variety of professions, together with others interested in public issues. Its length and style are intended to make the journal accessible to busy readers.
Subscriptions: The journal is available in PDF format on the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies (IGPS) website and all previous issues are available through the Victoria University of Wellington Open Journal Systems. Readers who wish to receive it by email should register as PQ subscribers igps@vuw. ac.nz. This service is free. For all subscription and membership enquiries please e-mail igps@vuw.ac.nz or post to Institute for Government and Policy Studies, P.O. Box 600, Wellington.
Electronic Access: The IGPS directs interested individuals to its website: https://www.victoria.ac.nz/igps where details of the Institute's publications and upcoming events can be found.
Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement: We welcome you to read the Policy Quarterly ethics and malpractice statement.
ISSN: 2324-1101