Did Cresswell's 'Stream' ever run?


  • John Lee




In July 1934, D’Arcy Cresswell, self-appointed champion of New Zealand verse, announced a new publishing venture. In a letter to Ursula Bethell, dated July 7of that year, he declared, ‘Jim Courage of North Canterbury lately sent me 5 pounds and I have at once rushed into a publishing venture with it called “The Stream – Or Pleasant Mingling of Present affairs with that Delightful Fountain delivered us by the Ancients, to the same end of honouring Sylvan, Aquarian and Celestial Divinities.” Compiled by D’Arcy Cresswell and printed by Bob Lowry. Whereof you will see the first, perhaps the only number (it depends on my friends) next month I hope... Write and tell me if you like the idea of “The Stream”. It’s to be something quite unusual. I feel as if I were initiating something under divine encouragement. My reply to Prof. Sinclaire will be in it.’


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Author Biography

John Lee


