New Zealand Journal of Health and Safety Practice
The New Zealand Journal of Health and Safety Practice (NZJHSP) is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal for the publication of research into, and the practice of, workplace and occupational health and safety in New Zealand and other countries.
Wellington Faculty of Engineering Symposium
Proceedings of the Wellington Faculty of Engineering Symposium.
New Zealand Science Review
New Zealand Science Review provides a forum for the discussion of issues of relevance to science in Aotearoa New Zealand in the past, present and future. It is aimed at scientists, decision makers, and the interested public.
Proceedings of the Wellington Faculty of Engineering Ethics and Sustainability Symposium
The accredited undergraduate Bachelor of Engineering with Honours degree offered at Te Wāhanga Ahunui Pūkaha–Wellington Faculty of Engineering requires all students in the Cybersecurity, Electrical and Electronic, and Software Engineering majors to complete a 400-level course in Professional Practice. A component of the course focusses on ethics, sustainability and the importance of Mātauranga Māori in the context of Aotearoa–New Zealand. This symposium is a collection of papers and presentations of the final year engineering students at Te Herenga Waka–Victoria University of Wellington. The papers and presentations are categorised according to the three majors offered in the Bachelor of Engineering with Honours—BE(Hons).
Commoning Ethnography
Commoning Ethnography is an off-centre, annual, international, peer-engaged, open access, online journal dedicated to examining, criticizing, and redrawing the boundaries of ethnographic research, teaching, knowledge, and praxis.
School of Management Working Papers
The School of Management (SoM) Working Paper Series provides a forum for staff, graduate students and research centres to disseminate their ideas and publish research findings in advance of publication. These papers are presented here to generate discussion and should not be quoted without the author’s permission.
Sunshade Design for UVR Protection
Sunshade Design for UVR Protection is an on-line journal. It publishes research reports, articles and design proposals on the design of private and public spaces which protect users from over-exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR).
Architectural History Aotearoa
AHA: Architectural History Aotearoa is a forum for broad-ranging discussion on the built environment and related issues in Aotearoa. Each issue focuses on a specific decade. It encourages experimental, raw thinking and investigation, from researchers and scholars (academics, enthusiasts, practitioners, and students) from all career stages and experiences that opens up new understanding of architecture in our country. It aims to be intellectually expansive in its investigations of each focussed time period and academically generous.
Aha is both an acronym and a word in te reo Māori; maoridictionary.co.nz translates "aha" as a verb meaning: "to do what? treated in what fashion? to do anything" and a noun meaning "what?"
ISSN 2703-6626 -
Policy Quarterly
Policy Quarterly (PQ) is targeted at readers in the public sector, including politicians and their staff, public servants and a wide variety of professions, together with others interested in public issues. Its length and style are intended to make the journal accessible to busy readers.
Counterfutures, peer reviewed and published biannually, is a multidisciplinary journal of Left research, thought, and strategy. It brings together work from across Aotearoa New Zealand's Left, aiming to intervene in, and inaugurate, debates about how to understand and influence our society, politics, culture, and environment.
Victoria University of Wellington Law Review
Founded in 1953 by Professor Robert McGechan, the Victoria University of Wellington Law Review is the oldest university Law Review in New Zealand. It has a proud history of being a major publisher of significant legal articles of relevance not only to New Zealand, or our Pacific region, but also internationally.
The VUWLR publishes four issues a year, a total of some 800 pages of quality research by international scholars, members of this faculty and our colleagues elsewhere in New Zealand, distinguished visitors and the Faculty's own students.
Neke. The New Zealand Journal of Translation Studies
Neke is the first journal of Translation Studies in New Zealand.
This online journal is open access to all scholars, students, translators, interpreters around the world. A peer reviewed and interdisciplinary journal, Neke features essays, translations (including subtitles and any other form of multimodal translation), reviews, interviews as well as a blog and a monthly photography caption contest.
New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations
The New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations was published between 1977 and 2003. In 2004 it was renamed the New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations.
Competition & Regulation Times
ISCR Competition & Regulation Times is the newsletter of the New Zealand Institute for the Study of Competition and Regulation.
The Journal of New Zealand Studies
The Journal of New Zealand Studies is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal published by the Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies.
The Australasian Journal of Logic
The Australasian Journal of Logic is an online, open access journal run under the auspices of the Australasian Association of Logic and Victoria University.
Labour, Employment and Work in New Zealand
This Labour, Employment and Work in New Zealand site contains links to copies of all the proceedings published to date.
The New Zealand Review of Economics and Finance
The New Zealand Review of Economics and Finance is a student-run journal published by senior undergraduate students and postgraduate students from the School of Economics and Finance at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW).
The New Zealand Annual Review of Education
The New Zealand Annual Review of Education Te Arotake a Tau o Te Ao o te Matauranga i Aotearoa (NZAROE) provides a forum for researchers, policy makers and implementers, and practitioners to present well-documented analytical reviews of policy issues of significance to the New Zealand educational sector, as well as recent research addressing key educational developments and trends, set in a comparative international context.
Kōtare : New Zealand Notes & Queries
Originally modelled on the English journal Notes and Queries, Kōtare: New Zealand Notes and Queries is devoted to New Zealand literature, literary history, and literary criticism. It particularly welcomes submissions that have some basis in archival research and scholarship and criticism arising from newly discovered sources, but other submissions are also welcome.
Publishing on OJS
The Library offers free hosting of diamond open access academic journals for Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington staff and students on OJS.
If you wish to have a journal hosted on OJS, contact us at library-research@vuw.ac.nz.