Archives - Page 4

  • Policy Quarterly volume 1 number 4 2005

    Policy Quarterly
    Vol. 1 No. 4 (2005)

    Articles in this issue of Policy Quarterly pay close attention to the evolution in the nature of inter-party relationships under MMP.

  • Policy Quarterly volume 1 number 3 2005

    Policy Quarterly
    Vol. 1 No. 3 (2005)

    This issue of Policy Quarterly takes stock of which tasks have been carried out well and which badly during the previous parliamentary term, and preparation for the incoming government.

  • Policy Quarterly volume 1 number 2 2005

    Policy Quarterly
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2005)

    Each article in this issue of Policy Quarterly reminds us that policy is a moving feast; in the years ahead New Zealand may need to revisit issues that once appeared fairly straightforward or are still thought to have been dealt with “once and for all”.

  • Policy Quarterly volume 1 number 1 2005

    Policy Quarterly
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2005)

    Policy Quarterly begins in 2005 as a new electronic journal in the area of public policy in New Zealand, with three key objectives: to inform policy debate in New Zealand; to engage the reader with a style that is lively, well-argued and readable, and to showcase some of the more interesting thinking in the School of Government and its associated research centres at Victoria University of Wellington.

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