Antarctica Cruising Guide, in the words of the authors, ‘is a primer to the wonders of Antarctica’. This book aims to be a handy reference for identifying wildlife and what to expect when you land. It covers the Antarctic Peninsula and, in this second edition, the Ross Sea, Falkland Islands and South Georgia. A brief introduction sets the big picture of Antarctica as a high-latitude location, its geology and the international political background. Information on geographic locations constitutes a major part of the book. Nature in Antarctica is introduced in general, including a brief treatment of organisms that are difficult to see from a ship. This is followed by sections on birds and mammals and includes details on 26 birds and 11 mammal species. Two pages are devoted to the most commonly seen species, including photographs and a list of facts and figures, as well as an easy to read narrative. A final section, on threats to Antarctic conservation, includes guidelines for visitors, as set out by Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting 1994. There are nine maps at the beginning, locating places mentioned in the text, and a glossary of unfamiliar terms at the end.