Aim: To consult with Māori on the design and development of a direct-to-consumer point-of-care (POC) device and gather views on point-of-care testing and biotechnology.
Method: One-on-one interviews and small group hui with self-identified Māori university staff and students (n = 6) conducted by an early-career Māori scientist.
Results: Key themes were the importance of achieving improved health outcomes for Māori through addressing known socioeconomic, geographic, and cultural factors that perpetuate health disparities. Other findings were the value of recognising the diversity in modern Māori identities, perspectives, and communities, as well as views on using synthetic biomolecules in medical devices and perceptions of biotechnology, and the potential for cultural over-engagement or misplaced focus in consultation.
Conclusion: In this article, we describe our approach and experience of consultation led by a Māori lab-based scientist, and report unique perspectives of biotechnology from non-expert Māori academics for the first time. Direct-to-consumer POC testing may promote kaupapa Māori values such as tino rangatiratanga, whakawhanaungatanga and tikanga, which may help Māori overcome barriers to health care and testing, a key step in achieving improved health outcomes.