Industrial Relations Bargaining in the Retail Non-food Sector: 1991-1992


  • Janet Hector
  • Jon Henning
  • Mary Hubble



This report looks at bargaining in an industry with a significant level of small busines activity, the retail non-food sector, in light of the deregulation of the economy and is particular, the Employment Contracts Act. It also looks at the effect of these change; on employees at the lower end of the labour market in this sector. The study finds that, in the context of a stagnant market, the Act enabled employers to pursue long held goals of flexibility in relation to hours and penal rates and has been associated with the reduction of union influence in small firms. The general effect on employees in the sector is difficult to assess but it is probable that conditions have deteriorated for some workers in some parts of the sector.


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Author Biographies

Janet Hector,

Jon Henning,

Mary Hubble,


