A Microphone to the People: The Recordings of the Mobile Unit of the New Zealand Broadcasting Service, 1946-1948


  • Allan Thomas




The Mobile Recording Unit, an initiative of the New Zealand Broadcasting Service began work in 1946 with the intention covering small towns and rural districts of North and South Islands but it only recorded in three districts during its three year span. These contributions provide a significant archive of the post-war years.


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Author Biography

Allan Thomas

Allan Thomas is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Music, Victoria University of Wellington, where he teaches world music, ethnomusicology and New Zealand music history. His particular research field has been the music and dance performances of the Pacific Islands, especially of the Tokelau Islands and their neighbours in western Polynesia. The publication of a major book, New Song and Dance from the Western Pacific, in 1996 was followed by the production of related CDs.


