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Rachar, Matthew, Douglas College
Raidl, Eric, Cluster of Excellence "Machine Learning", University of Tübingen
Ramirez, Elisangela
Ramirez-Camara, Elisangela, Univeridad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Randriamahazaka, Thomas, University of St Andrews
Read, Stephen
Recio, Marcos M., University of Salamanca
Restall, Greg, Philosophy Department, University of Melbourne
Restall, Greg, University of Melbourne (Australia)
Restall, Greg, Philosophy Department, The University of Melbourne ()
Restović, Ivan, Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb
Robles, Gemma, Universidad de León
Roffé, Ariel Jonathan, CEFHIC-UNQ-CONICET, UBA
Rönnedal, Daniel, Stockholm University, Department of Philosophy
Rosella, Giuliano, FINO (Northwestern Italian Philosophy Consortium), Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell'Educazione, Università di Torino
Rosenblatt, Lucas Daniel, Conicet - Universidad de Buenos Aires
Rossi, Alessandro, Northeastern University, London
Rotolo, Antonino, CIRSFID, University of Bologna, Italy
Rott, Hans, Department of Philosophy, University of Regensburg
Roy, Tony, Department of Philosophy, California State University, San Bernardino
Rubin, Mariela
Russell, Gillian, Washington University in St Louis

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