Pathways to Employment for Young New Zealanders: Effects of Social Capital


  • Ann Dupuis Massey University
  • Kerr Inkson Massey University
  • Eva McLaren Massey University



The Pathways to Sustainable Employment (PAS£) research programme is a five-year programme aimed at determining the supply-side and demand-side parameters of employment-seeking and career development of New Zealanders aged 15-34, and developing policy implications. In an initial phase of the project, 866 participants sampled from four geographical areas and representative of different age, gender, and ethnic groups took part in a Computer Aided Telephone Interview (CAT/) concerning their employment experiences to date and their aspirations for the future. This paper reports on the experiences of participants in respect of seeking and finding their current job, their last job, and their first job and the role social networks play in supporting career decision making. The data, which demonstrate the key role that social capital plays in these regards, raises issues about such things as the expertise of network members, their objective understanding of others' capacities and interests, and their knowledge of the labour market. We suggest that the importance of social capital is underestimated and policy makers could do well to take this into account when considering developing strategies for sustainable employment.


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Author Biographies

Ann Dupuis, Massey University

Labour Market Dynamics Research Group

Kerr Inkson, Massey University

Labour Market Dynamics Research Group

Eva McLaren, Massey University

Labour Market Dynamics Research Group


