The Department of Labour's Job Vacancy Monitoring Programme


  • Andrew Whiteford Department of Labour



This paper introduces the Department of Labour’s Job Vacancy Monitoring Programme (JVMP). The programme is an initiative of the government’s Skills Action Plan and will provide new insights into skill shortages. It was designed through a comprehensive process of stakeholder consultation and a review of the international experience with skill shortage and vacancy surveys. The paper provides an overview of this process as well as a short description of the components of JVMP. These components are:

• the Job Vacancy Monitor (J VM) a monthly analysis of job advertisements (which are classified to a detailed

· occupational code) appearing in a single edition each month of 14 major newspapers and two intern e/job boards

• a short, large sample. Survey of Employers who have Recently Advertised (SERA Extensive) skilled vacancies to

· establish in which skilled occupations employers are having difficulty filling vacancies

• an intensive, small sample. largely qualitative survey (SE RA Intensive) of employers who have advertised vacancies

· in selected skilled occupations in shortage, to gain an in-depth understanding of these shortage.

• analysis of statistical sources on supply and demand forces contributing to shortages in selected occupations

• detailed reports on these selected occupations.


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Author Biography

Andrew Whiteford, Department of Labour

Labour Market Information Unit


