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Kell, Susan, Ministry of Women's Affairs
Kelly, Avette, Auckland City Council
Kerr, Roger, Business Roundtable
Kesting, Stefan, Auckland University of Technology
King, Anita, New Zealand Treasury
Kirkwood, Heather, Statistics New Zealand
Kolb, Darl, The University of Auckland
Kostenko, Weiping, University of Melbourne
Krishnan, Vasantha, Department of Labour, Wellington
Krishnan, Vasantha, Ministry of Social Development
Krishnan, Vasantha, Department of Statistics, Wellington
Krivokapic-Skoko, Branka, Lincoln University
Krsinich, Frances, Statistics New Zealand


La Grow, Steven J, Massey University
Lafferty, George, Victoria University of Wellington
Laird, Ian, Massey University
Laird, Ian S, Massey University, Palmerston North
Lamare, R, University of Manchester
Lamm, F, Auckland University of Technology
Lamm, Felicity, AUT University
Lamm, Felicity, AUT University ()
Lamm, Felicity, University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Lamm, Felicity, The University of Auckland
Lamm, Felicity, Auckland University of Technology
Laurenson, T M, Oceania University of Medicine

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